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On the road again: the keys to corporate wellness

On the road again: the keys to corporate wellness
Goldman’s top tips to stay fit & fresh while travelling

With millions of air miles between us and collective visitation of more than 100 countries, we have learnt a trick or two on staying healthy and happy, while travelling for business.

From adjusting to different time zones, to making healthy choices when eating out, and staving off illness, we’ve compiled our top tips to help you reach your destination fighting fit and ready to talk business.

Plan healthy
Choose a healthy option in the lounge before you board to stave off in-flight cravings for calorie and sodium-laden snacks, or take your own healthy alternatives, such as prepared meals, protein bars or nuts.

Stay hydrated
It might be complimentary (if you’re lucky enough to be travelling at the pointy end of the plane), but free-flowing alcohol on the flight is not your friend. If you just follow this one tip and drink only water on long-haul flights, you’ll notice a huge difference in how you feel when you hit the ground – and the next morning. We recommend drinking 225-250ml for every hour you fly. Hydrolyte, or something similar, can also come in handy. If you must indulge, at least pick an amazing vintage!

Immunity boost
Take measures to boost your immune system and ward off any germs on-board. Take plenty of vitamin C and keep your hand sanitiser handy (ready for pre and post-handshakes). Also have a healthy dose of saline nose spray during the flight, to minimise the chance of nose bleeds.

Move about
Traipsing up and down the aisles mightn’t be fun but it’s still a good idea – and so is stretching in your seat. You’ll find sample stretches in the in-flight info pack, but it’s also worth heading for a few laps up and down the aisle each time you head to the bathroom. A few slow and simple stretches once you hit your hotel room to release your muscles from that seated position will also work wonders.

Stick to the program
Just because you’re on the other side of the world doesn’t mean you should let your routine go to ruin. If you don’t usually wolf down burgers at midnight or eat the entire breakfast buffet at home – then don’t do it while you’re away.

Running the restaurant gauntlet
Managing your weight (and health) when frequently eating in restaurants can be challenging. Overindulging won’t only impact your weight wellness, but it will leave you feeling sluggish long into the night – and when you wake up.

Choose fresh veggies and lean proteins whenever you can, ask for dressings on the side, and skip creamy sauces altogether. Ordering an entrée size as a main course is a winning plan, and if you’re desperate for dessert, order bite size or pick fruit to curb the sweet tooth cravings.

Walk between meetings
Try to book a hotel that’s close (but not too close) to where you’re doing business to give you an opportunity to walk between meetings rather than jumping in a cab – you should never underestimate the benefits of incidental exercise.
Fitness is your friend
While it might seem tough to squeeze a workout into your travel schedule, it’s worth thinking creatively about ways to keep moving – and packing your training gear so you don’t have an excuse to skip your daily exercise.

From swimming a few laps in the hotel pool, or setting off on a scenic neighbourhood run, to exploring local fitness classes (ask the concierge for options nearby), considering options beyond the hotel’s treadmill can keep you interested and motivated, while on the go. Working out as soon as you arrive at the hotel is also a great remedy for jet lag and a favourite trick of many frequent travellers to help get a great first night’s rest.

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